Saturday, August 23, 2014

I've always wanted to share my interest in historical miniature wargaming, particularly Napoleonic wargaming with people who had the same enthusiasm for this historical period.  Fortunately my granddaughter Leyna, who is a wizard with computers, was able to create my blog with a few judicious key strokes.

This is my first foray into blogging so please bear with me.

I've been painting 15mm miniatures since the early 80's and currently possess approximately 4000 figures painted and based for various periods.  In Ancients I have Roman, Alexandrian, and Mongol armies.  In Napoleonic I have French, of course, Russian and British and I just finished painting a Portuguese division.  I also have a Frederickian army.

I have recently begun to paint and base 6mm Baccus Austrian strips.  when I first saw these tiny miniatures I was dubious that I would ever e able to paint them to a satisfactory quality.  However, I discovered that the details on these figures paint up relatively easy.  The reason I chose Baccus was the quality of the sculpting and that they came in four figure strips which made painting and basing easier.  Ordering from Baccus was a breeze and the last order I received arrived in 8 days from the UK.  When I reviewed the 6mm blogs I liked the massed effect these miniatures produced and that it would now be possible to set up and play large battles.  Furthermore, they were much cheaper than 15s.

In the photos depicting my simulations, the figures are Minifigs and the Rule Set is Empire Third Edition.

Friday, August 22, 2014

The 10 posted photos are from two wargames I set up and played solitaire.  The first was a hypothetical grand tactical problem which entailed forcing a river in the face of strong enemy opposition holding a formidable defensive position.  The second as a historical simulation of the Battle of Golymin.  Here the French are in close pursuit of Russian detachments withdrawing toward the east.  The French led by Murat and Augureau catch the Russian general Galitzin before he can retire through the town.  historically Galitzin fought a skillful delaying action and was able to extricate his forces during the night.